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Digital Marketing

With me leading my team was able to market 250+ special events and over 20 campaigns over the course of the past year.


  • Increased the City’s email contacts by 5,800+ in a year
  • 702,089 individual emails from notifications
  • Residents have opened over 244,651 City emails, reflecting an open rate performance increase from 31.63% to 34% (Industry Average 21%).

Social Media

  • In terms of engagement, the most successful social media post was the a Valentine’s Day post on Instagram, amassing over 5,950 views and 144 shares.
  • Introduced new platforms like Threads and Nextdoor to enhance the City’s online presence.
  • Expanded and improved engagement on social media platforms, including growing our friends list.


  • Increased City website’s new visitor traffic by a remarkable 83%.
  • 1,586,033 total page views